Mind wandering… daydreaming.. it’s common to all of us. But, why do we do it? Scientists are still learning about mind wandering, but they have discovered that it is actually a normal and healthy part of brain activity. However, it can also be detrimental to our focus...
Anger: Master? Or Mastered?
Anger is a normal human emotion. But when it gets out of control, it can damage our relationships, our careers, and our health. Unless it’s mastered, it has the potential to take you further than you wanted to go, keep you longer than you wanted to stay and cost you...
Inconsistent Consistency
Consistency is often seen as the key to success. But what if I told you that INCONSISTENCY can actually be helpful? Sometimes our rigid and perfectionist tendencies can lead to frustration with ourselves and our goals. Let’s explore this together. Quotes "Don't beat...
Break out of that Comfort Zone
We all have a comfort zone. It's the place where we feel safe and comfortable. It's where we know what to expect and we don't have to take any risks. But if we want to achieve great things in life, we need to step outside of our comfort zone. Quotes "The only thing...
Happiness in Life
Happiness is a universal human pursuit. In fact, the Declaration of Independence talks about, “life, liberty, and the pursuit of ‘happiness’. We all want to be happy, but what does that really mean? And how can we achieve it? There is no one-size-fits-all answer, but...
I think I’ll wait on that
Have you ever eaten a whole bag of chips even though you knew you'd regret it later? Or maybe you've bought something on impulse that you didn't really need. These are just a few examples of instant gratification, the act of choosing a smaller, immediate reward over a...
I think so!
Thinking is a fundamental aspect of human life, shaping our perceptions, decisions, and actions. However, without even realizing it, on a day to day basis, we fall back on using our minds in one or two set patterns. These patterns are called “Thinking Models”. We use...
Endorsing Weakness? What?
I recently came across the book, The Portable Coach, by Thomas Leonard. What immediately caught my attention while scanning the table of contents was this: “Endorse Your Worst Weakness”. At first glance, I thought… “Wait. What?” But then I realized the truth. We often...
Curiosity killed the cat! Or did it?
You know that old saying, "Curiosity killed the cat!"? It's funny how it's meant to be a warning against being too curious. But, if we take a step back and think about it – most of our leaps in science, technology, and pretty much everything else began with someone...