What are you waiting for?

Nov 30, 2022

For people of Christian faith around the world, the 4 weeks leading up to Christmas Day is called the period of Advent. The focus of advent is “waiting”. It reminds one of ancient Israel waiting for the arrival of their promised Messiah. Christian believers understand that to be Jesus of Nazareth. Further, it is a reminder that life doesn’t happen based upon our time table. Life demands patience.

It’s difficult to wait. Isn’t it? Waiting for that right moment to launch a project. Waiting for the right person to come along to serve as a life partner. Waiting for the fruition of your labors on the business you are building. Waiting for the fulfillment of a dream. It is waiting for what you wish would take place, but hasn’t yet.

With that focus in mind, I thought “Patience” would be a good theme for today’s newsletter.


Today’s Theme: Patience


Teach us, O Lord, the disciplines of patience, for to wait is often harder than to work.

– Peter Marshall


Patience, the ability to keep calm in the face of disappointment, distress or suffering, is worth cultivating. The virtue [of patience] is associated with a variety of positive health outcomes… Even if you’re not a particularly patient person today, there’s still hope you can be a more patient person tomorrow [read more]



  • What do you think might be the difference between patience and perseverance?
  • Where in your life do you need to be more patient?
  • What step(s) will you take to become a more patient person?

Happy Advent! May we use this season to grow in patience as we wait for the fulfillment of our heart’s desires.

Let's Talk

Hi there! Dave Peterson here… I really enjoy coming your way via this blog. But what I enjoy even more is personal conversation. We can chat about an upcoming decision, a practical challenge you are facing, a project you are working on, a transistion, a dream… You name it! Or maybe just the theme of today’s newsletter.