It’s for life!

Jul 17, 2023

Ever since I first heard the phrase “lifelong learner”, it has resonated with me. I’ve aspired to never stop learning… no matter how old I get. Throughout my 70 years, I’ve been blessed with so many opportunities to learn new things. I’ve had the privilege to take classes, read books, travel, and even just talk to people from a variety of cultures and walks of life. It’s kept my mind sharp and my curiosity alive.

Let’s explore “Continuous Learning” today. I hope you find it personally enriching.

Today’s Theme: Continuous Learning


“Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death.”

Albert Einstein

“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.”

― Henry Ford


In a way, to stop learning is to stop growing. Continuous learning is essential for constant growth in career, life, and in all aspects of life.


  • How do you best learn? Do you prefer to read, listen, watch, or do?
  • What for you is one challenge to learning?
  • What could be a way to break through that challenge?

Let's Talk

Hi there! Dave Peterson here… I really enjoy coming your way via this blog. But what I enjoy even more is personal conversation. We can chat about an upcoming decision, a practical challenge you are facing, a project you are working on, a transistion, a dream… You name it! Or maybe just the theme of today’s newsletter.