Mental sabotage!

Nov 17, 2022

All great leaders of the past have experienced it. Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, and even George Washington have one thing in common. They all had to come to grips with their self-defeating behaviors spurred on by their embedded mental saboteurs. And… each of them are history makers.



Saboteurs are the voices in your head that generate negative emotions in the way you handle life’s everyday challenges. They represent automated patterns in your mind for how to think, feel, and respond. They cause all of your stress, anxiety, self-doubt, frustration, restlessness, and unhappiness. – Shirzad Chamine in Positive Intelligence


My friend and colleague, Executive Coach Dennis Hooper, says “If you have difficulty executing the actions you believe will lead you to a desired outcome, maybe you have mental Saboteurs! Yep, we all have them! Here’s a way to keep them from frustrating you! Do it!”


  • Which one or two of the 10 Saboteurs is most characteristic of you?
  • Take the free assessment found at
  • Let’s talk about your results! Reach out to me or Dennis Hooper today.

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Hi there! Dave Peterson here… I really enjoy coming your way via this blog. But what I enjoy even more is personal conversation. We can chat about an upcoming decision, a practical challenge you are facing, a project you are working on, a transistion, a dream… You name it! Or maybe just the theme of today’s newsletter.