Use it or lose it

Feb 28, 2023

Self-confidence is a vital part of living a fulfilling life. Yet, it’s like a muscle, “use it or lose it”. As someone who has struggled with self-doubt in the past, I understand how daunting it can be to try and cultivate. Let’s dive in together and see what we can bring to the surface.

Today’s Theme: Self-Confidence


“Confidence is going after Moby Dick in a rowboat and taking the tartar sauce with you.”

– Zig Ziglar

“Confidence comes not from always being right, but from not fearing to be wrong.”

– Peter T. McIntyre


In today’s article, “Build Self-Confidence With These 5 Strategies“, Margie Warrell provides insights on how to boost self-confidence. It is a learned skill that can be developed and improved with practice and persistence.


  • What steps can you take to cultivate more self-confidence in your life?
  • How might your life be different if you had more confidence?

Building self-confidence requires practice and patience. Over time, you can become more trusting of yourself and your abilities, which will help you tackle challenges with greater ease and assurance. Keep moving forward. Take small steps. Reach out to another to help in this process.

Let's Talk

Hi there! Dave Peterson here… I really enjoy coming your way via this blog. But what I enjoy even more is personal conversation. We can chat about an upcoming decision, a practical challenge you are facing, a project you are working on, a transistion, a dream… You name it! Or maybe just the theme of today’s newsletter.