Was it Dwight? – The Eisenhower Matrix

May 15, 2024

Have you ever had one of those days where it feels like everything’s piling up at once? I know that I have! Emails flooding in, meetings left and right, myriad tasks calling for your attention—it can be a real challenge to keep up. But you know what? There’s a tool I’ve used in the past that has seriously helped during those times. Maybe you’ve heard of it. It’s called the Eisenhower Matrix

Today’s Theme: The Eisenhower Matrix


“What is important is seldom urgent and what is urgent is seldom important.” 

Loosely attributed to President Dwight D. Eisenhower


Why the “Eisenhower matrix” is a fantastic productivity hack

Before we get to the technique itself, though, a bit of myth-​busting. While the matrix takes its name from Eisenhower, there is no evidence that he invented, or even used, it. Rather, the naming seems to stem from conflating the technique’s focus on importance and urgency with a famous saying often attributed to Eisenhower. That saying is: “What is important is seldom urgent and what is urgent is seldom important.”



  • What are some common challenges you face when trying to prioritize tasks effectively?
  • What specific tasks might fall into each quadrant of the Eisenhower Matrix?
  • How do you think implementing the Eisenhower Matrix could change the way you approach these tasks?

Mastering the art of prioritization with tools like the Eisenhower Matrix can lead to greater productivity and reduced stress in both work and personal life. By focusing on what truly matters and eliminating distractions, we can achieve our goals with clarity and confidence.

Let's Talk

Hi there! Dave Peterson here… I really enjoy coming your way via this blog. But what I enjoy even more is personal conversation. We can chat about an upcoming decision, a practical challenge you are facing, a project you are working on, a transistion, a dream… You name it! Or maybe just the theme of today’s newsletter.